adminComments Off on (7) When Seniors Lack Adventure …
Risk taking need not require seniors to waltz into a bear cave in spring with a steak strapped to our foot. But why do so many seniors lament not taking more risks to enjoy fresh and fun adventures? And that begs the question, what do adventurous seniors have that bored… Read more »
Why stay in a miserable place, when we possess options to reach beyond problems to see and live possibilities? Far better to risk a carefree adventure with reachable assets, than to coddle a rusty key that hides our frailty inside familiar prisons! Have you also found this to be true… Read more »
adminComments Off on Angst or AWE? 11-20 of 50 Stress-free Power Tools
Our quarantined brain lies to us and insists that traps of depression, panic, fear, and anxiety offer no exit strategy. This lie may appear supported by the National Institute of Mental Health reports that well over 58 million people suffer from anxiety disorders. This series of five blogs, however, offers… Read more »
adminComments Off on Risk, Regret or Run with an MLK Dream!
Ready to risk a dream that propelled Martin Luther King and others forward? What dream do you hold that’s worth chasing? If jumping off cliffs conjures up more calamity images than curiosity challenges, then risk-taking’s likely not right for you. If you agree that perfect safety’s an illusion though, or… Read more »
What stands between you this holiday season, and a dream you hold? Holidays may hold fun flights for some, but for others, celebrations tend to dim dreams and give grief. Luckily there are a few flights we can all access, regardless where we stand now, or in spite of challenges… Read more »
What risks have you taken lately. Or what edgy possibility have you avoided? We meet people daily who feel afraid to fix a broken anything because they fear they’ll end up alone, stuck or without support. In self-satisfied circles we see new ideas dunked as mere buzz at best. Research… Read more »
adminComments Off on 10 Things Possibility Thinkers Do Differently
Will you see problems pushing against the door jams on your first day back to school? Or do you see possibilities written across backdrop screens of every learner’s mind? You’d have to have the brain of a coconut husk to run from or deliberately block life-changing wonders in your day,… Read more »
adminComments Off on Smart Tone or Snarky Attacks?
It doesn’t take grueling effort to grow our intelligence. Nor do we need rocket science to attain brilliant tone that avoids attacks. Minds literally rewire to create mind-bending possibilities when we look beyond problems (such as attacks from others) with an open mind. How so? If we toss limited solutions… Read more »
adminComments Off on Dare to Risk for Change You Crave?
Say you find yourself working with peers who cling to obsolete turf. Or perhaps you’re stuck in a rut with a boring routine you feel helpless to change. In both cases you’ve likely defaulted to operating from your brain’s basal ganglia. which can make every action you do part of the “stuck… Read more »
At a university debate on the brain’s role in education, the dean asked: Why bring the brain into learning, when higher education already has traditions and a proven history? How would you have responded? Looking back, I likely should have told about my own dream that leaders and learners can … Read more »