Do we lie about our age, or do others find inspiration from our maturity and mindfulness that come with a few wrinkles? Perhaps more importantly – can we laugh and glance lightheartedly at age and reality because it rocks for us? If so we’re likely the voracious seniors that Plato… Read more »
adminComments Off on One Day From Inside Your Brain!
A Day in the Life of Our Brain WHAT WOULD ONE WORK DAY LOOK LIKE FROM INSIDE OUR BRAIN? Have you ever considered what today looks like from inside our brain? Take a look and we’ll also improve our communication and sharpen several mental skills. We can capitalize on what… Read more »
adminComments Off on What Happens If You Risk Change in Smug or “Content” Cultures?
You meet people daily who feel afraid to fix a broken anything because they fear they’ll end up alone, stuck and without support, in self-satisfied circles that see new ideas as mere buzz at best. Inner terror is only intensified by physiological challenges, such as your mental makeup. Do the… Read more »
Luckily, the human brain comes with unique equipment to free your mind, solve problems, or create adventures many crave but most people fail to imagine for themselves. Follow one or two new neuron pathways today and watch limiting habits fade as rigid ruts yield to infinite imaginings. It’s really about… Read more »
Do your online discussions tend to go down before they go deep? Time and again people who love to banter ideas tell us they run from toxic discussions on interesting hot topics they’d hoped would generate innovative ideas. Have you seen it? Before bruiser discussions get cut, often a player… Read more »
Researchers suggest that social media can harm kids’ brains, and few would disagree. Either way, social networks such as Twitter are here to stay. My question is, what impact do online networks play in strengthening minds and leading innovation across differences? Increasingly, brain gurus such as Susan Greenfield weigh in… Read more »
adminComments Off on Could Mindfulness Heal the Heart of Learning & Leading?
If gridlock feeds ego and shuts out brainpower could mindfulness and trust heal the heart of learning and leading? The more gridlock images we see flash across media, schools, and our lives, the more innovative, healing, and fun-filled images get lost. To learn and lead mindfully though, takes more… Read more »
Conflict grows perilous for those who lack brainpowered tools, yet disagreement’s add linchpins of growth for those equipped with sharp mental tactics. Watch warfare erupt in your circles and you’ll likely see 1 of 10 instigators: 1. Angry folks show few skills to tame their amygdala. 2. Stubborn people often… Read more »
adminComments Off on Dare to Risk for Change You Crave?
Say you find yourself working with peers who cling to obsolete turf. Or perhaps you’re stuck in a rut with a boring routine you feel helpless to change. In both cases you’ve likely defaulted to operating from your brain’s basal ganglia. which can make every action you do part of the “stuck… Read more »
Good news – each time you choose to raise your serotonin levels, you literally rewire your brain’s plasticity to cultivate more brain benefits on a regular basis. Sound like a winning deal? If so, how will you raise your own and other’s serotonin today?