Kindness stockpiles over time, with caring actions we do daily. One way to encourage people to take risks is to reward them for it. (Tom Melohn) Our brain comes with storehouse spaces where kindness waits for its next human instruction. In the dark season on Baffin Island, I taught Inuit… Read more »
The best lessons take down walls between a brain’s potential and a person’s possibilities. Teach emotional balance & content or facts become an engine for credible innovation! Find a saving of $35.00 off the 902 page brain based bundle below! Now you have all you need to manage a brain… Read more »
Look into human brains to see why some people love and feel loved, while others bully whenever they encounter shortcomings, failings, faults or mistakes in themselves or others. Research shows that bullies often lack skills to handle things better. Why does it matter? New neuro discoveries affirm how non-bullying skills… Read more »