Most agree that golf’s a cerebral game, so it makes sense to play with more brainpower in mind. Several know that we retain 90% more by teaching others as we learn ourselves, so it makes sense for teens to teach what they learn here to adult golfers. Lesser known is… Read more »
adminComments Off on Free Listening Poster and Tasks
Are you looking to teach or mentor new listening skills? Want to learn more from any topic? Once we step past the assumption that to tell is to teach – we step into the possibility that to learn is to listen to many views! Grab your free poster and listening… Read more »
Just bundled a complete set of test-prep resources. One year’s supply of student read-to roll and no prep tasks, keys, posters and practice texts. Happy study – with better grades for all upper grade students! Brain based test prep materials available at my TpT site YOUR TURN! Join our Brain… Read more »
Few would deny that too many middle, secondary, or college students graduate without skills they need to meet demands of a modern era. And that’s if they graduate at all – which many do not! Time for a culture change?
adminComments Off on Boost Innovation by Mindguiding
Tout a mentor’s role, while novice talents are mostly ignored and you’ll foster tired traditions that prevent new advances where you work.
If your organization supports mentoring, you’d be interested to know it can literally defeat advantages you hoped for, such as community building or new advances people run with.
Do you possess that sense wonder that rolls out unique talents? When organizational growth depends on making more products, in less time, with fewer people for increased dollars, what do you grow? If you crave innovation’s wealth more than mass production, it’s worth another glance at top talent development. See… Read more »
People ask how they can rekindle brainpower to do something novel. If you’ve slipped into potholes of anger, disappointment, or anxiety lately – you likely feel the need for a new shot at success. For some it’s a matter of moving beyond ruts and into renewed opportunities. For others it’s… Read more »
Have you found yourself stuck in a rut while others leap forward with refreshing innovations? Are you out of sync with a vital marketplace of ideas? Insights for inventions with wider benefits for all? If you’re ready to help replace broken systems that served only a few, you’ll be delighted… Read more »