At the core of all learning lies ethical behavior that shapes its impact and value! Potter Stewart perhaps said it best, “Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do, and what is right to do.” Ethics is to the brain’s sense of right or wrong,… Read more »
The most important part of learning is not to be successful but to learn how to get up, go on, and grow again when we are not successful. Assessments can work for or against a learner’s chances to grow and find genuine success. How so? Show enthusiasm by naming and… Read more »
We all come equipped with multiple literacies of which we use very few as learners. Take your brain back to the last lecture or meeting you endured, and you’ll likely agree with research that shows how lectures work against human brains. It’s the same for meetings where few people talk… Read more »
What if brain based leadership offered tools to restore Canada’s future prosperity? When dangerous cortisol chemicals seep into our communications, suddenly good alternatives disappear because our brains become part of killer cortisol surges. Thanks to new neural research, we see cortisol’s toxic stress chemicals as civil-war triggers. Luckily our brains… Read more »