What’s good for one teen is rarely good for another. Teens long to be valued for who they are as individuals.Teen talents are often hidden and unused in high school. What do the above three statements share in common? Advice is rarely the best way to engage, inspire or energize… Read more »
adminComments Off on Addressing Growing Concerns for Teens’ Mental Health
Never before have teens needed us more to spot safe places past their struggles, and to support their strengths. After a lifetime of working with teens and their families, it pains me to read reports of spiked suicides, along with a proliferation of chemicals and drugs used to try and… Read more »
adminComments Off on Could Mindfulness Heal the Heart of Learning & Leading?
If gridlock feeds ego and shuts out brainpower could mindfulness and trust heal the heart of learning and leading? The more gridlock images we see flash across media, schools, and our lives, the more innovative, healing, and fun-filled images get lost. To learn and lead mindfully though, takes more… Read more »
Students often complain that passive note-taking is both boring and a waste of time? Have you heard it? Whenever I offer motivational materials to support their study sessions though, I notice students tend to get far finer results for their efforts and talents. They do better in quizzes, tests and… Read more »
Few would deny that too many middle, secondary, or college students graduate without skills they need to meet demands of a modern era. And that’s if they graduate at all – which many do not! Time for a culture change?
adminComments Off on Spotting Strengths in Rainbows …
I see my best strength within a rainbow that adds multiple colors to new ideas. How do my students benefit? I guide students to write regularly on opposite sides of controversial topics in brain based ways that reveal new strengths as rainbows display vibrant colors. Writing class starts with a… Read more »
adminComments Off on Change the Metaphor to Improve Learning – Speak Up and Feel Heard!
Some ask why we fear teen’s insights? I ask, How can we improve learning by changing the metaphor so all students and their teachers relate positively? When kept silent – too many teens face boredom and frustrations that come from silent toxins. The opposite is also true.Students who speak up… Read more »
adminComments Off on Hood Anatomy of Trusted Contractor
By the time Hood contracting team left, I’d spotted remarkable traits customers crave, few deliver, and new brain realities champion as essential to successful companies in our era.
Ever wonder why some things stick – like the topic of your last blog post – while other facts fade faster, such as names, details or directions for an IT fix?
It Brain on Design
Steve Job’s Typical Synapses
Your brain’s hundred thousand miles of network fibers comes equipped to expand and benefit from learning at its synapses. So why does it rarely happen at the peaks like it did for Steve Jobs?
While few deny that diversity’s a noble concept, in reality, we tend to fit more into research that claims people select what most looks like them, imitate what’s more familiar, and prefer what they’ve already experienced.
Rarely does diversity – as we use it – help us fly new machines that differ in size, or rock. As we run to familiar shapes, textures and aromas – we tend to settle for familiar flights viewed as more reliable. Have you been there?