How would you describe your best friend and how would your friend describe you? YOUR TURN! Join our Brain Based Circles! Would love to meet you at any of the following! TpT Brain Based Resources – accomplish things never before accomplished by using parts of the brain never before used!… Read more »
adminComments Off on How Do You Look Beyond Losing Leaders?
If you’re ready to slog past politics, side-step broken systems, or look beyond self-serving leaders who let us down daily, read on … The best solution to leaders who lose our trust, is your leadership and mine. When we lead with care, we courageously propose possibilities for all. We move… Read more »
adminComments Off on Could Mindfulness Heal the Heart of Learning & Leading?
If gridlock feeds ego and shuts out brainpower could mindfulness and trust heal the heart of learning and leading? The more gridlock images we see flash across media, schools, and our lives, the more innovative, healing, and fun-filled images get lost. To learn and lead mindfully though, takes more… Read more »