adminComments Off on Art and Science of a Cranky or Kind Amygdala
Is your response to a sudden jolt or unexpected disappointment kind or cranky? Science determines our mental growth or regression in a widely misunderstood but vital operation of our brain, called the amygdala. Art determines the emotional and mental benefits or battering we build into our lived amygdala experiences…. Read more »
adminComments Off on Replace Stress with Emotional Survival Skills
Rarely have we struggled against more anxiety and stress and without adult models, our youth are especially left abandoned in need. It’s the perfect time to respond with social strategies and emotional boosts that toss cheer and hope back into our day! It’s also time to hit pause periodically. Time… Read more »
adminComments Off on Replace Stress with Social and Emotional Survival Skills
Rarely have we struggled against more anxiety and stress and without adult models, our youth are especially in need. It’s the perfect time to respond with social strategies and emotional boosts that toss cheer and hope back into our day! But how? What can we do, in a climate of… Read more »
adminComments Off on Activate the Brain’s Compassion for Fun and Inspiration
What will you do for COMPASSION and it’s handmaiden FUN this week? How might you spawn an interactive CARE and KINDNESS today? Will your week look more like the pig or the dog in this video? I started a KINDNESS project with my grandchildren and an interactive brain based COMPASSION… Read more »
adminComments Off on What’s Your Anti-Loneliness Quotient?
Research shows loneliness as the best predictor of people who will end up in hospital. The problem has grown to such enormous heights that a Minister of Loneliness was hired in Great Britain. Loneliness that was more prevalent among the elderly, has now become more commonplace among the young. Movements… Read more »
adminComments Off on Teach Empathy to Teens or Face Fallout in Leaders
Lack of empathy in high school lessons, ensures a lack of emotional capability in adult leaders. This lack shows up in a leader’s inability to learn from, collaborate with, or care for those who differ. Have you seen this emotional disability in your leaders? Since empathy is a central component… Read more »
adminComments Off on Teen Suicide – Growth Mindset – Mental Health
Middle school suicide peaks to an all-time high as depression worsen especially for teen girls! Even caring parents question why teens who appear to have everything, suddenly end their own lives. Yet when teens focus on healthy minds, they also switch on their growth mindset, for new possibilities beyond past… Read more »
adminComments Off on Addressing Growing Concerns for Teens’ Mental Health
Never before have teens needed us more to spot safe places past their struggles, and to support their strengths. After a lifetime of working with teens and their families, it pains me to read reports of spiked suicides, along with a proliferation of chemicals and drugs used to try and… Read more »
Luckily, the human brain comes with unique equipment to free your mind, solve problems, or create adventures many crave but most people fail to imagine for themselves. Follow one or two new neuron pathways today and watch limiting habits fade as rigid ruts yield to infinite imaginings. It’s really about… Read more »