Category Archives: brain facts
One Day From Inside Your Brain!
A Day in the Life of Our Brain WHAT WOULD ONE WORK DAY LOOK LIKE FROM INSIDE OUR BRAIN? Have you ever considered what today looks like from inside our brain? Take a look and we’ll also improve our communication and sharpen several mental skills. We can capitalize on what… Read more »
Activate the Brain’s Compassion for Fun and Inspiration
What will you do for COMPASSION and it’s handmaiden FUN this week? How might you spawn an interactive CARE and KINDNESS today? Will your week look more like the pig or the dog in this video? I started a KINDNESS project with my grandchildren and an interactive brain based COMPASSION… Read more »
Secondary or College Lectures into Student-Led Innovations
It’s not enough to call for active learning at secondary or university, or to show shortcomings of lectures as NPR and others do. Yet it’s a vital start! Increasingly I meet faculty who’d jump at a chance to try a new approach to teaching if they had support to make… Read more »
What Happens If You Risk Change in Smug or “Content” Cultures?
You meet people daily who feel afraid to fix a broken anything because they fear they’ll end up alone, stuck and without support, in self-satisfied circles that see new ideas as mere buzz at best. Inner terror is only intensified by physiological challenges, such as your mental makeup. Do the… Read more »
Could Mindfulness Heal the Heart of Learning & Leading?
If gridlock feeds ego and shuts out brainpower could mindfulness and trust heal the heart of learning and leading? The more gridlock images we see flash across media, schools, and our lives, the more innovative, healing, and fun-filled images get lost. To learn and lead mindfully though, takes more… Read more »
Build a Brain Based Culture on Participant Strengths
Few would deny that too many middle, secondary, or college students graduate without skills they need to meet demands of a modern era. And that’s if they graduate at all – which many do not! Time for a culture change?
Namungos to Disrupt for Innovative Choices!
After a lifetime of attending and leading conferences to get more from our awesome brains, I see why participants leave some traditional gatherings with so few takeaways. Interested in more meaningful outcomes from your next meeting? My namungos (fictional characters with real brain parts) show a few cool ways we… Read more »
Transform Sarcasm into Humor with Mental Muscle
Imagine a learning and leading circle not handcuffed to past sarcasms that exclude some, but freed with humor that benefits all! Build mental muscle that transforms sarcasm into humor that fosters learning and raises IQ for many! People who enjoy sarcasm defend its harsh, bitter derision as mere irony and… Read more »