Pushing Snooze Buttons at Work?
What do you do to sleep well enough for good moods to follow you at work the next day? Use any tools that rock brain waves to sleep?
What do you do to sleep well enough for good moods to follow you at work the next day? Use any tools that rock brain waves to sleep?
Have you experienced mental power that bubbles over in circles where no brain is left behind? Interactive sessions where creativity trumps criticism, and diversity’s the handmaiden of dignity and innovative virtue? The jury is still out on why some people are smarter. Most agree though, that brilliant solutions tend to… Read more »
During my two years on Baffin Island, up near Greenland, while teaching for McGill University, I both slept more and ate more during dark months where we saw no sunlight at all. Likely your shifts from light to dark are less extreme, but nevertheless, the brain’s reactions to daytime darkness… Read more »
Add social networking to all you do now, and you’re likely looking sleep deprivation smack in the eyeball. Research shows increasingly serious accidents that occur frequently through lack of sleep. Have you seen redemptive research on how sleep debt is repaid with dividends, though? Here’s the skinny on EQ and… Read more »
We now know that IQ scores increase over a lifetime, that brains hold power tools for ethical excellence, and that dendrite brain cells rewire daily based on what you do. My question is, Do your multiple intelligences expand too, or are they lifeless through lack of use? Whenever you tap… Read more »
Dream of finer sleep? Read on… In a normal sleep cycle, EEGs show the brain slows down progressively over a thirty minute period. After that point, the brain shifts into a trance-like sleep known as REM, or rapid eye movement state. Without enough deep sleep, or REM, people are prone… Read more »