A talented colleague walked into her staff room just as several tenured workers discussed a recent corporate proposal to consider top talent as equal to tenure in the organization. Over my dead body… – one hardliner snapped – and others staunchly agreed that talents had no place in discussions –… Read more »
What if you took one risk to lead a change that would improve a core practice where you work? Could that move set innovation in motion across an entire organization? On Saturday at an RIT annual event, I spotted 5 questions about innovation that could transform indifference and lead organizational… Read more »
Over 30 years in brain based renewal, showed me several reasons why renewal cannot win in certain workplace conditions. I’ll admit that naivety in younger years, prompted me to believe deteriorated settings could turn around in spite of barriers. Over time though, I observed some settings that simply cannot perk… Read more »
Government Funds Promote Failing Secondary Schools People say stimulus money simply creates new layers of bureaucracy that prolong broken secondary school programs. My question is: How will the White House Campaign to Promote Science and Math Education support teens to climb new mental peaks? Will successful schools proliferate through fast… Read more »
What would it take to renew university learning and draw more brainpower from learners and leaders? We know adult intelligence improves – from MDs such as Dan Siegel, Director of Mindsight Inst at UCLA School of Medicine, who draws on recent science to harness the brain’s circuitry. The results? Research… Read more »
When you rev up mental equipment daily to either sink or swim, you discover how creativity and curiosity will trump criticism and intimidation. How then can you experience mental power in settings where no brain is left behind? One friend and fellow leader Dave Caiazza, put it this way: Work… Read more »
Some insist that tenure’s the way expert faculty ensure free speech without fear of losing jobs. Others protest that tenure keeps ineffective people and blocks brainpower for new initiatives. With more campuses being sued, and relevancy questioned it may be time to take another look and what learners expect and… Read more »