When learning or leadership problems pop up – how do you troubleshoot to ensure that all those you mentor, coach, teach, or facilitate will takeaway more? Below are brain-compatible strategies I use and I’d love to hear your tips. YOUR TURN! Join our Brain Based Circles! Would love to… Read more »
After a lifetime of attending and leading conferences to get more from our awesome brains, I see why participants leave some traditional gatherings with so few takeaways. Interested in more meaningful outcomes from your next meeting? My namungos (fictional characters with real brain parts) show a few cool ways we… Read more »
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Games are the most elevated forms of investigation, according to Einstein. So too are active projects, most young adults agree! Discover how brain chemicals, life experiences and genetics play key roles in learning choices and outcomes! See how your brain transforms barriers into benefits and wiggles problems into possibilities. Build… Read more »
The human brain comes with unique equipment to build and sustain innovative cultures that passionate people crave. When passion stirs communities to prime their talents for a finer future, innovation tends to fuel genius. How so?