adminComments Off on Grace to Lighten Darkness, Deepen Love & Beautify
Our inner lingo celebrates fun and favor, announcing delightful predictions to our brains and emotions, as grace-filled words harmonize goodness and guide us to live a fuller extravagance of life! Sadly, our inner critic bullies us into depression and despair, in ways that block us from pools of agape grace,… Read more »
adminComments Off on Are we doomed to hatred and war?
Are we finally doomed to suffer a darkening world where hatred trumps care & cynicism replaces kindness? Where can we find a workaround to reduce daily hatred, revenge and hurt? Do you believe that the life and inner language of grace, if lived, can change our broken world into caring… Read more »
Grace lightens our darkness, deepens our love, and magnifies beauty in our world. No question, when we live and tangibly experience grace we find ourselves in a better place. The question addressed in the new book, Access Our Grace Mindset, is: How do our minds, emotions and spirits help us… Read more »
adminComments Off on What Force do We Lack for a World We Crave?
Thoreau may have best described grace that triggers personal growth when he said: An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory. What actionable force creates calm beyond chaos, civility beyond conflict and inner peace far beyond persistent war and conflict? The most untraveled pathway into peace, joy, and… Read more »