In spite of great books about memory and the brain’s amazing ability to remember, we still search frantically for keys as we fly out the door. It doesn’t have to be that way. Books such as, How to Develop a Perfect Memory, by Dominic O’Brien, work well for those interested in remembering… Read more »
How do you open a new class, workshop or mentor circle? Speak people’s name with care, and research affirms you will spark their brain’s sense of worth, and add value to their day. How does it happen? Your name links to intrapersonal intelligence, which also warehouses personal traits such as common… Read more »
How many times do participants speak and feel heard when you present new ideas? Facilitation skill allows people to speak and ethically nudges steller interests and abilities toward a shared finish line for quality growth. How so? 1. Question possibilities by raising one umbrella query to launch your presentation. Lectures… Read more »
Have you ever heard laughter that cracks you up even before you hear the joke? Or have you worked alongside people who like to laugh in ways that speed the clock during boring routines? Workplace stories such as Carol Cortisol’s Certification Day, that leave people laughing, or Sam Serotonin’s Pizza… Read more »
Experts tell us that when the going gets rough – brain chemicals get going. My question is, Do they move you into calm or chaos? If you’ve ever felt your amygdala heat up when a person upsets you – or if you’ve basked in inspiration of genuine encouragement, you also… Read more »
Progressive leaders see life-changing possibilities in challenges, and ask ethically powered questions to learn from those who differ, as President Obama did over beer to resolve racial misunderstandings. It works because diversity infuses colors, textures, depth, and angles into successful visions, that less effective directions lack. Not rhetoric fueled by… Read more »
Susan Boyle shut down because of bullies in her youth. New York Times tells us bullies and cynics are on the rise. Any stomped out innovation because of cynics or bullies where you work? Sometimes we tend to take cynicism, rage and intimidation of bullies in stride. Other times, we… Read more »
Imagine a climate of peace, with language that inspires, and people who cheer on your talents. Would you agree that peace would have been a better plan than war in most cases you’ve observed? Not a passive peace, but a robust plan where many angles from different viewpoints move forward… Read more »
Did you know that your brain’s equipped to change rapidly and to biologically reshape itself through chemical and electrical activity? Or that plasticity will sizzle brain power into any task? This brain trick can speed up learning or jump start successes most people crave, and yet too often miss out… Read more »
Some people fully expect to fizzle out when they retire and many do just that. Others expect to burn strong, and with research on their side, they seem to hit their finest stride in senior years. What do you expect? Will you fizzle out or burn strong, like Art Zugnoni,… Read more »