The brain’s wellbeing, and your mojo, (or serotonin) stands on the opposite side of meta-messages. Words we communicate to mask meaning can sink us like a punt on a tsunami. Sincere, kind and truthful words on the other hand, can propel us to the peaks. Meta-messages say what isn’t meant… Read more »
Conflict grows perilous for those who lack brainpowered tools, yet disagreement’s add linchpins of growth for those equipped with sharp mental tactics. Watch warfare erupt in your circles and you’ll likely see 1 of 10 instigators: 1. Angry folks show few skills to tame their amygdala. 2. Stubborn people often… Read more »
adminComments Off on #19 of 25 Writer Brain Boosters
19. Say it Squarely but Fairly! Meta-messages blur clarity through implications that differ from words actually written. See examples What do you actually write when you really mean to write, “This topic stinks!”
People differ on what innovation looks like, and few agree on how it transforms work. Hutch Carpenter asked 25 people to tell what innovation is from their perspective – and got back 25 different responses. Most people do agree that innovation sparks higher productivity for a competitive edge. Any marks… Read more »
Higher Education and Brain Based Benefits Ask the lecturer in this video and he will say he engages listeners. He might even go on to suggest today’s audiences expect too much and give too little. Ask listeners and they may support these 100 reasons to run hard from lectures!… Read more »
When you rev up mental equipment daily to either sink or swim, you discover how creativity and curiosity will trump criticism and intimidation. How then can you experience mental power in settings where no brain is left behind? One friend and fellow leader Dave Caiazza, put it this way: Work… Read more »
Did you know that emotions survive after memories vanish? Or do you wonder what moods and behavior heads or hearts control? Yesterday, on a walk in the woods with a gifted young leader, I once again saw his ethics, openness and willingness to become vulnerable in order to learn new… Read more »
How’d you sleep last night? Reasons for sleeplessness may differ yet strategies for successful sleep often bear remarkable similarities related to growing EQ. Before you hire a sleep specialist though, why not try tactics that calm the brain and come without side effects of medicine. You’ll likely sleep better, build… Read more »
You’ve likely seen it happen during this economic downturn. He brought her down without any awareness that he undermined her career. She dismissed his good ideas without realizing she excluded her colleague. Have you seen people damage good relationships, or stomp out mind-bending opportunities, and then appear surprised? Or have… Read more »
Queen Rania told NPR that the world cannot afford to be cynical. Do you agree? Listen here to the Queen’s conversation with NPR to encourage opposing views to learn from different perspectives. People often ask as one commenter questioned here How can a person survive cynics’ toxins at work, and… Read more »