adminComments Off on 10 Principles of Change I’ve Learned
As I worked with and learned from leaders across 20 countries, over 40 years, I learned 10 key factors that lead sustainable change. Guided by these key principles, I engage two-footed questions, facilitate mind-guided mutual mentoring, and track change in brain based assessment skill charts, to help develop specific skill… Read more »
Do your online discussions tend to go down before they go deep? Time and again people who love to banter ideas tell us they run from toxic discussions on interesting hot topics they’d hoped would generate innovative ideas. Have you seen it? Before bruiser discussions get cut, often a player… Read more »
adminComments Off on Dial Up Magic in Teens for Diverse, Respectful Learning Communities
Are we setting secondary school stages that dial up that magic our teens already possess? Do we facilitate secondary learning cultures that capture teens’ awesome brainpower for wonder, risk and innovation? If so, you’ve likely noticed how learner diversity delightfully bursts into every class and teens look forward to new… Read more »
To support colleagues and draw support from peers means to first discover what brains crave in common and how they operate. How so? Imagine for instance, that we could build a learning community together to support all. Imagine that each will benefit from shared strengths that improve our circles daily…. Read more »
adminComments Off on Change the Metaphor to Improve Learning – Speak Up and Feel Heard!
Some ask why we fear teen’s insights? I ask, How can we improve learning by changing the metaphor so all students and their teachers relate positively? When kept silent – too many teens face boredom and frustrations that come from silent toxins. The opposite is also true.Students who speak up… Read more »
Peter Block creates a brilliant case for brain-based-community-building through conversations that transform. Conversations that create community transformation for Block, include invitation, possibility, ownership, dissent, commitment and gifts. Do you agree? Interestingly, each of Block’s entry points to transformation, also offer segues into brain based communication. Invitational conversation welcomes diversity with… Read more »