Good news – each time you choose to raise your serotonin levels, you literally rewire your brain’s plasticity to cultivate more brain benefits on a regular basis. Sound like a winning deal? If so, how will you raise your own and other’s serotonin today?
Some say tests prepare us for life’s hard knocks later on. Others say tests tend to shut down real learning. What do you say? See – a brain on tests at Minds in Bloom! YOUR TURN! Join our Brain Based Circles! Would love to meet you at any of the… Read more »
adminComments Off on Change the Metaphor to Improve Learning – Speak Up and Feel Heard!
Some ask why we fear teen’s insights? I ask, How can we improve learning by changing the metaphor so all students and their teachers relate positively? When kept silent – too many teens face boredom and frustrations that come from silent toxins. The opposite is also true.Students who speak up… Read more »