We’ve all heard it spoken. He hasn’t got a lick o’ common sense. Or, she may be book smart, but without a tad of insight from common sense. We assumed common sense simply referred to “streetwise,” or practically clever with our workaround solutions to mundane problems. That was before we… Read more »
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Turns out that common sense is not so common after all. No panic though, since human gene pools come hardwired with a unique mix of inner and ethical smarts. Common sense can be taught, and engaged, and tracked as it grows. It can also spark the mind-bending climate most learners crave, and yet few circle find.
Ever notice how Thanksgiving and Christmas tend to bring out blues in some and blessings in others? Or how lonely people see vast spaces between themselves and others – even at festive holiday tables? First glances show people blessed with close family and friends feel blessed over holidays while those… Read more »
Higher Education and Brain Based Benefits Ask the lecturer in this video and he will say he engages listeners. He might even go on to suggest today’s audiences expect too much and give too little. Ask listeners and they may support these 100 reasons to run hard from lectures!… Read more »
Wall Street claims that without big bonuses they’ll not attract big talents, or generate big profits. Do you agree? Wall Street broke banks by trading innovation for greed. The result? Wall Street leaders now fear loss of future talent with lower salaries, while gifted leaders optimize talent to open new… Read more »
Each step to renew your workplace ethically and with the brain in mind – casts lights on mental barriers that prevent change in stagnant organizations. How so? To rethink old approaches is also to take a stand against Hebbian hardwired thought that defaults back to ruts and routines. To upgrade… Read more »