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He emerged unexpectedly in a brain based leadership grad course I taught. Like a jewel’s multiple hues glitter in flashes of sunlight his wit and wisdom became our glow. This grad student could easily have taught the course. Instead he taught our entire graduate community by his humble tone, how… Read more »
Luckily, the human brain comes with unique equipment to free your mind, solve problems, or create adventures many crave but most people fail to imagine for themselves. Follow one or two new neuron pathways today and watch limiting habits fade as rigid ruts yield to infinite imaginings. It’s really about… Read more »
Do your online discussions tend to go down before they go deep? Time and again people who love to banter ideas tell us they run from toxic discussions on interesting hot topics they’d hoped would generate innovative ideas. Have you seen it? Before bruiser discussions get cut, often a player… Read more »
Researchers suggest that social media can harm kids’ brains, and few would disagree. Either way, social networks such as Twitter are here to stay. My question is, what impact do online networks play in strengthening minds and leading innovation across differences? Increasingly, brain gurus such as Susan Greenfield weigh in… Read more »
Did the 2016 campaign leave you craving civility from all sides? Did you long to communicate – without demonizing or diminishing others who disagree? Civility starts with each of us – but it quickly extends to others. How so? My students enjoy the civility tasks central to all discourse in… Read more »
Have you seen sacred cows consume innovation, confuse issues and block growth? I have. Wherever you hear the catchword critical thinking discussed, you find new definitions. The only part people seem to hold in common is that you should wield critical thinking to solve problems. Have you noticed it works… Read more »
adminComments Off on Could Mindfulness Heal the Heart of Learning & Leading?
If gridlock feeds ego and shuts out brainpower could mindfulness and trust heal the heart of learning and leading? The more gridlock images we see flash across media, schools, and our lives, the more innovative, healing, and fun-filled images get lost. To learn and lead mindfully though, takes more… Read more »
Would you agree that tone tools can create goodwill and amp up any learning community? I’m referring to the body language of communication here – the tone tools that bring a smile of inclusion or adds a snub of rejection. Tone benefits embody the warmth of thanks, while its lack… Read more »
adminComments Off on Smart Tone or Snarky Attacks?
It doesn’t take grueling effort to grow our intelligence. Nor do we need rocket science to attain brilliant tone that avoids attacks. Minds literally rewire to create mind-bending possibilities when we look beyond problems (such as attacks from others) with an open mind. How so? If we toss limited solutions… Read more »