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Feel frustrated by leaders who value money, power or influence more than people, possibilities and problem-solving that benefits all concerned? Good news is – your brain comes equipped with all the tools you need to lead a finer future for yourself and others. How so? When lists about terrific teaching… Read more »
Do your online discussions tend to go down before they go deep? Time and again people who love to banter ideas tell us they run from toxic discussions on interesting hot topics they’d hoped would generate innovative ideas. Have you seen it? Before bruiser discussions get cut, often a player… Read more »
Have you seen sacred cows consume innovation, confuse issues and block growth? I have. Wherever you hear the catchword critical thinking discussed, you find new definitions. The only part people seem to hold in common is that you should wield critical thinking to solve problems. Have you noticed it works… Read more »
Students often complain that passive note-taking is both boring and a waste of time? Have you heard it? Whenever I offer motivational materials to support their study sessions though, I notice students tend to get far finer results for their efforts and talents. They do better in quizzes, tests and… Read more »
Few would deny that too many middle, secondary, or college students graduate without skills they need to meet demands of a modern era. And that’s if they graduate at all – which many do not! Time for a culture change?
Ever have a day when work became combat, and your workplace a war zone? When problems arise, the last place leaders look for solutions is within differences that caused battles in the first place. Have you seen it?
Gary, manufacturing manager in NY, is more typical of leaders we meet who see differences as the cause for poor tone. We have constant problem because union reps, “stick their noses into everything, cause trouble for the entire company”, he said, ”They make no effort to help with anything,” he went on.
If you agree that democracy as we deem it – can make a mockery of human engagement – you likely also see value in facilitation that communicates across differences. Few disagree that a well run democracy adds immense brainpower by raising worker engagement. Yet Gallop Management Journal surveyed annual worker… Read more »
Programming can become boring and routine for some, and so effective programmers look for ways to override their brain’s default for ruts. How so? In MITA Brain Based approaches — a novice programmer would: 1). Question with two feet to stir curiosity and add fun. Ask questions that hook to… Read more »
When you rev up mental equipment daily to either sink or swim, you discover how creativity and curiosity will trump criticism and intimidation. How then can you experience mental power in settings where no brain is left behind? One friend and fellow leader Dave Caiazza, put it this way: Work… Read more »