What would it take to renew university learning and draw more brainpower from learners and leaders? We know adult intelligence improves – from MDs such as Dan Siegel, Director of Mindsight Inst at UCLA School of Medicine, who draws on recent science to harness the brain’s circuitry. The results? Research… Read more »
When government tosses out money as renewal incentives, in hope that dollars buy benefits, bureaucracies respond with inferiority. Rewards and pay-for-performance practices work against renewal, according to Alfie Kohn who draws from hundreds of studies. Do you agree? Have leaders of educational institutes removed themselves from the heart of problems… Read more »
Programming can become boring and routine for some, and so effective programmers look for ways to override their brain’s default for ruts. How so? In MITA Brain Based approaches — a novice programmer would: 1). Question with two feet to stir curiosity and add fun. Ask questions that hook to… Read more »
When you rev up mental equipment daily to either sink or swim, you discover how creativity and curiosity will trump criticism and intimidation. How then can you experience mental power in settings where no brain is left behind? One friend and fellow leader Dave Caiazza, put it this way: Work… Read more »
It’s said that many people want change yet far fewer risk changing what they do. That incongruity makes sense if you think about how it seems easier to change somebody else, than to face the fear or discomfort that holds you back from attempting new approaches. Unfortunately, even personal reflections… Read more »
On each new day your brain offers equipment to lose or win. The choice is yours, and brain activity can now be observed to show how winning or losing selections work, in spite of external conditions. So why do some people pick winning equipment while others settle for the loser’s… Read more »
Have you ever wondered why you blurt out responses that create problems for you later? Or did you know that your experiences are carried first to the thalmus, where they are sorted and sent as data to different areas of the brain for your response? Simply put, when you… Read more »
My research discovered an evidence-based approach to improve motivation and achievement growth. My five-pronged Mita model includes proven brain based tools, an awareness of new neural discoveries and active learning tasks to accomplish things never before accomplished by using parts of your brain never before used in this way. My… Read more »
Imagine a climate of peace, with humility that inspires, and people who recognize talents, and you’ve just begun to awaken intrapersonal intelligence. Build healthy relationships that shape character, and your brain cultivates new neuron pathways toward spirit and highest values such as caring in your character and in others. Or… Read more »
Spot any gaps in your life, where adventure leaks out like water trickles through a sieve? Your brain’s working memory leads you to spot faulty traditions at work, or to see speed bumps that slow down progress in your day. But there’s more to change than finding flaws. For instance, … Read more »