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Rarely have we struggled against more anxiety and stress and without adult models, our youth are especially in need. It’s the perfect time to respond with social strategies and emotional boosts that toss cheer and hope back into our day! But how? What can we do, in a climate of… Read more »
Researchers suggest that social media can harm kids’ brains, and few would disagree. Either way, social networks such as Twitter are here to stay. My question is, what impact do online networks play in strengthening minds and leading innovation across differences? Increasingly, brain gurus such as Susan Greenfield weigh in… Read more »
Survey your communication department to increase innovative IQ and ensure your workforce is promoting change – and traditional communication staff does not stifle innovative risks. Only as the communication department lets go of threats and increases leaders’ communication freedom, can your organization win in an innovation era.
What if you took one risk to lead a change that would improve a core practice where you work? Could that move set innovation in motion across an entire organization? On Saturday at an RIT annual event, I spotted 5 questions about innovation that could transform indifference and lead organizational… Read more »
Ever notice how Thanksgiving and Christmas tend to bring out blues in some and blessings in others? Or how lonely people see vast spaces between themselves and others – even at festive holiday tables? First glances show people blessed with close family and friends feel blessed over holidays while those… Read more »
When you rev up mental equipment daily to either sink or swim, you discover how creativity and curiosity will trump criticism and intimidation. How then can you experience mental power in settings where no brain is left behind? One friend and fellow leader Dave Caiazza, put it this way: Work… Read more »
Medical students all over the world saw it and you can watch it here – interactive brain surgery on Twitter. The surgeons, Dr. Steven Kalkanis and Kost Elisevich demonstrated how this media-medical marriage is the new social media way to communicate brain facts – without the medical jargon, and in… Read more »
Tone takes you deeper into any topic because it allows the other sides to emerge without persecuting people who express differences. Tone’s also the honesty you speak about hot spots, and the calm respect you show to those who disagree. But can good tone come in tough times? Or can… Read more »
Add social networking to all you do now, and you’re likely looking sleep deprivation smack in the eyeball. Research shows increasingly serious accidents that occur frequently through lack of sleep. Have you seen redemptive research on how sleep debt is repaid with dividends, though? Here’s the skinny on EQ and… Read more »