Category Archives: meeting
Meeting Tips from Teacher’s Arrest
What if the unfortunate arrest of a middle school teacher, helped all future participants to speak up and feel heard at your next meeting? Had this meeting been facilitated as a brain based gathering for instance, leaders would welcome diverse voices and would value different ideas on all topics. Imagine… Read more »
What if meetings reflected the diverse mental equipment gathered?
Imagine a meeting of any kind that offers a life-changing opportunity to build a breakthrough innovation that benefits all concerned. OK, if that’s too big a step to visualize, simply imagine a meeting you loved to attend. You’ve likely seen it – that rare gathering where enthusiasm and curiosity emerge… Read more »
Namungos to Disrupt for Innovative Choices!
After a lifetime of attending and leading conferences to get more from our awesome brains, I see why participants leave some traditional gatherings with so few takeaways. Interested in more meaningful outcomes from your next meeting? My namungos (fictional characters with real brain parts) show a few cool ways we… Read more »
5 Whole Brain Tactics to Win Buy-in
Behind every problem there is a new possibility for change and a finer future. Take Yahoo. Their latest admission that profits tanked – open the door for whole brain solutions that win.
Inventing or Venting?
It likely comes as no surprise that human brains cannot vent and invent at the same time. Some media programs, and many organizations for that matter – enable venting in ways that preclude its opposite. How so? See innovative meetings e-handbook here for dozens of practical strategies that bring meetings… Read more »
Survey Your Meetings for Brainpower
Are your meetings brain draining, or brain powering? The idea is to engage both sides of the brain, to increase innovation. See innovative meetings e-handbook here for dozens of practical strategies that bring meetings alive where you work. Respond either yes or no to each survey question and then… Read more »
Join Discussion to Jumpstart Brainpower at Meetings!
What could your next meeting do differently to jump-start more brainpower and make a difference? People constantly complain that meetings suck where they work, and surprisingly few feel they can transform these fiascoes. Join dynamic Free Webinar on Tuesday 8:00 PM – EST at this link and make a difference… Read more »
Why Meetings Suck if Bullies Speak
(Appeared in Smart Brief on Your Career on April 22, 2010) (Appeared in (Practicing Law Institute) PLI Smart Brief April23,2010). See innovative meetings e-handbook here for dozens of practical strategies that bring meetings alive where you work. When bullies pop an irate question or cynics insist on opinions that provoke… Read more »
Mugs that Limit or Enlighten Meetings
Who’d guess that mere facial expressions at a meeting can limit or enhance everybody’s takeaway. We saw it in action last night at the State of the Union Address, where some participants grimaced at most of the President’s speech, and refused to participate in anything but naysaying, and cynicism. See… Read more »