Government Funds Promote Failing Secondary Schools People say stimulus money simply creates new layers of bureaucracy that prolong broken secondary school programs. My question is: How will the White House Campaign to Promote Science and Math Education support teens to climb new mental peaks? Will successful schools proliferate through fast… Read more »
Higher Education and Brain Based Benefits Ask the lecturer in this video and he will say he engages listeners. He might even go on to suggest today’s audiences expect too much and give too little. Ask listeners and they may support these 100 reasons to run hard from lectures!… Read more »
Each step to renew your workplace ethically and with the brain in mind – casts lights on mental barriers that prevent change in stagnant organizations. How so? To rethink old approaches is also to take a stand against Hebbian hardwired thought that defaults back to ruts and routines. To upgrade… Read more »
Social justice often fails because one group of people alone rarely brings equal or ethical opportunities to another. Building stronger communities across differences inspires meaningful contributions from all. Yet some see current notions of social justice as flawed in that it presupposes that others are less mentally capable. You? 1…. Read more »
Some say that men’s logic rivals women’s emotion, when it comes to leading, problem-solving or coping with stress. Others say that successful men and women use both logic and emotion – but they use it differently to solve problems and cope with stress. What do you say? Interestingly, hilarious mental… Read more »