This cool challenge to write with the brain more in mind, is part of Lit with Lyns Writing Wednesday line-up! It goes like this … What if you were to write a book for a younger reader with brain based benefits? Why not start by asking young readers what topic… Read more »
When learning or leadership problems pop up – how do you troubleshoot to ensure that all those you mentor, coach, teach, or facilitate will takeaway more? Below are brain-compatible strategies I use and I’d love to hear your tips. YOUR TURN! Join our Brain Based Circles! Would love to… Read more »
Imagine an effective elevator speech that becomes your pass into a new job! Or a ticket to that promotion you crave! How so? Say it so that it sells your top talents in ways that fit their job’s top needs. Include the following tips to propose your best work assets… Read more »
adminComments Off on 3 Ways to Play as a Learning Priority
Increasingly, we read and observe how fun, games, sports and laughter add a personal power-punch to learning. Yet more than half the high school students who drop out, report stress, boredom and disengagement in class, as reasons for failure. What if you stockpile playful possibilities along your pathway into any… Read more »
adminComments Off on Open Letter to Stomp Out Teacher Evaluations and Step Up Learning!
To Leaders of Education Initiatives in my state of New York, Imagine teacher or student teacher evaluations as mental growth guides! Visualize all faculty and students supported and prospered by the rest of us. At this point, you’ll likely step up to toss out many standard or state-mandated observations. Why… Read more »