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It’s one of the great ironies of our modern era. We’re obsessed with staying well, and being perfect. Have you noticed though, we’re as unwell and imperfect as we’ve ever been. And sadly, we’re also leaving many good people behind along the way. Embrace excellence and our brains rev up… Read more »
Higher Education and Brain Based Benefits Ask the lecturer in this video and he will say he engages listeners. He might even go on to suggest today’s audiences expect too much and give too little. Ask listeners and they may support these 100 reasons to run hard from lectures!… Read more »
Spot any gap where you live or work, regardless of how small, and you may well be staring into the eyeballs of your own destiny. How so? Even though I taught university classes and facilitated top leaders around the world for many years, it still surprises me how few people… Read more »
To reflect is to shuffle the human brain out from its daily ruts, rouse it from from routine resting places and compel it into wider reaches. Reflection often signals a lofty vision, not evident to a non-reflective mind. What’s your mind-bending aspiration? According to Robert Lee Holtz, Wall Street Journal… Read more »
The desire to be perfect can shrink brainpower needed to become a great leader. How so? Perfectionism is bad for the brain! Thanks Anna Farmery for engaging ideas about perfectionism and the human brain at your popular podcasts. Listen here to “brains on perfect” between Anna and me. Famous tennis… Read more »
Your hardest hitting efforts fall short of others’ expectations. Fun melts away like ice cream on a scorching afternoon. It’s too cold, or too hot for, but rarely right. Health suffers and anxiety spikes. Would peers describe you as perfectionist? If so, you’re likely habitually late, and likely armed with… Read more »