Have you slammed onto ruts or slipped into boring routines lately? If so read on and get ready for a fun new adventure! Let’s say you’d like to learn a new technology such as Instagram, or accept an invitation to propose a digital innovation. Both cases take more working memory,… Read more »
I’ve been trying to tap into better tone skills in difficult settings, and find I still have a distance to go to snip that amygdala before it snipes back. It’s often a matter of reflecting on tools to move forward with respect rather than frustration. Did you know, for instance… Read more »
Ethics is to the brain’s sense of right or wrong, what a noble life is to a highly intelligent and thoughtful person. Truth is – the brain comes with moral potential. It equips people to do what is good – even when that good comes with personal cost. Sure, it… Read more »
It was strongly held that adult brains cannot grow new cells or regenerate old ones. Recent research on aging though, is trumping commonly held myths. Elizabeth Gould’s dynamic discoveries in this area recently created an entirely new field of neurogenesis, a discipline that shows how the adult brain generates new… Read more »
Some say that men’s logic rivals women’s emotion, when it comes to leading, problem-solving or coping with stress. Others say that successful men and women use both logic and emotion – but they use it differently to solve problems and cope with stress. What do you say? Interestingly, hilarious mental… Read more »
Pause for a moment and listen to opinionated or narrow-minded people you know. Listen to them tell others why they are far more qualified to give one-sided versions of a topic than other people hold. Notice the put downs and attacks that fall like pellets in a hail storm? You’ll… Read more »
It’s no secret that teens drop out of secondary schools at alarming rates, or that parents complain about wasted tax dollars in broken schools, or that faculty vent about lack of relevancy and low standards. Yet, while most agree that secondary schools stomp out the very mental resources teens bring… Read more »
adminComments Off on Target Multiple Intelligences – Run from Lectures
Take your brain back to the last lecture or meeting you endured, and you’ll likely agree with research that shows how lectures work against human brains. It’s the same for meetings where few people talk for the most part. You retain less than 5% heard in lectures, while you retain… Read more »
We’ve all met dynamic people who know just where they are headed, and observed flounderers who appear headed nowhere. But have you considered the mental dividends that come with setting clear targets, as Zig Ziglar described in this video. Do you know how to reboot for focus? Human brains rewire… Read more »
adminComments Off on Target Agreement in Disagreeable Settings
While some leaders literally wire their brains for gridlock and compromise that can poison communications, it’s also true that disagreements can blast open doors to life-changing ethical insights. When people differ with the brain in mind, they build goodwill among those who differ. How so? If you’ve ever benefited from… Read more »