Luckily, the human brain comes with unique equipment to free your mind, solve problems, or create adventures many crave but most people fail to imagine for themselves. Follow one or two new neuron pathways today and watch limiting habits fade as rigid ruts yield to infinite imaginings. It’s really about… Read more »
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1. Perk-up Moods – Boredom, it turns out, is a habit formed in brains and reinforced by words that lack punch. Help readers choose improved moods as their reality, Sidestep boredom! Jump start your writing with a what-if-question, such as, What if you could use information in this essay to… Read more »
What new neuro-discoveries could offer new awareness to your moods, so that others find spaces to grow around you when their chips are down? Identify that good mood chemical and electrical circuitry for your brain, and you also choose daily how to remap that for benefit to boot!
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Consider how daily decisions change your brain’s plasticity to lead you up or down, and you tend to look again for more wins. Not a bad idea, since plasticity either opens winning pathways to innovative decisions, or confines you to broken systems.
5 keys enable you to decide more with your brain in mind. How so?
1. Ask – don’t tell. What if you were to ask one innovative question to a leader you encounter? What if you held back a strong opinion, in favor of learning from others today? Imagine the ground-breaking results for innovative workplace solutions you pioneer. Great solutions often span right and… Read more »
An organization that capitalizes on differences is likely one that also fuels innovation. Is your organization on the move? Do you welcome original approaches that fit an innovative era, or is business mired in practices for one gender, one culture or one set of beliefs? Check out key areas… Read more »
Ever notice how Thanksgiving and Christmas tend to bring out blues in some and blessings in others? Or how lonely people see vast spaces between themselves and others – even at festive holiday tables? First glances show people blessed with close family and friends feel blessed over holidays while those… Read more »
School prepared many of us for jobs that no longer exist, and now life prepares some of us for jobs we’ll invent. Feel unqualified for work you hope to do in the coming year? No reason to fret if you consider your choices. Why not factor in the art of… Read more »