Do we lie about our age, or do others find inspiration from our maturity and mindfulness that come with a few wrinkles? Perhaps more importantly – can we laugh and glance lightheartedly at age and reality because it rocks for us? If so we’re likely the voracious seniors that Plato… Read more »
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Why keep going into our 70s and 80s? We’re told that seniors stagnate with stress that comes from problems such as passivity, and lack of purpose. But what if retirement symbolized renewal? Back when I wrote curriculum, led brain conferences, and supported organizational change, I fought against pigeonholes women… Read more »
Any IQ score or standardized test result can address the question, How smart are they? Yet most of us who hope to awaken brainpower in our students, agree that mere numbers say little about their real capabilities. On the other hand, if you want to ensure students actively master a… Read more »
Elizabeth Gould’s dynamic discoveries in this area recently created an entirely new field of neurogenesis, a discipline that shows how the adult brain generates new cells. This means that if you act wisely on a day, you alter the very structure of your brain. For instance, choices today determine the levels of wisdom that will follow on the following day. The opposite is also true.
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Going nowhere with your workforce? Crave change that adds talent for innovation? Plasticity makes it easier to run from ruts of uniformity or sidestep flawed thinking, by reshaping your brain to consider new realities. You’ve likely noticed how diversity experiences differ for those who value others and capitalize on differences…. Read more »
Money and health problems create an amazing reason to feel down, look at the negatives, and give up. Recession proves it daily. In the midst of hopelessness, we admire folks who find ways to lead innovation, and spot solutions. We’re drawn to those who guide others to a finer place…. Read more »
Canadian Alanna Mitchell, this year’s winner of the Atkinson Fellowship in public policy named brains as the secret to better schools. Not all agree. Mitchell recalled a Minister of Education who asked a neuroscientist: “The brain? What does the brain have to do with education?” In my renewal work across… Read more »
Have you experienced mental power that bubbles over in circles where no brain is left behind? Interactive sessions where creativity trumps criticism, and diversity’s the handmaiden of dignity and innovative virtue? The jury is still out on why some people are smarter. Most agree though, that brilliant solutions tend to… Read more »
In spite of great books about memory and the brain’s amazing ability to remember, we still search frantically for keys as we fly out the door. It doesn’t have to be that way. Books such as, How to Develop a Perfect Memory, by Dominic O’Brien, work well for those interested in remembering… Read more »
Define your interpersonal roles in people’s lives and you’ll succeed more in living those roles with zip. You’ll also be less likely to step on the people you care about. Interpersonal intelligence often starts with family, yet carries into all relationships. How so? You’ve likely heard it too. Parents tell… Read more »