adminComments Off on Flexibility’s Force and Foibles
Just as top gymnasts bend without breaking, flexible brains adapt with unbelievably pliable approaches. Did you know – Human brains come equipped with flexibility, or plasticity, that takes exercise to sustain? Plasticity, or mental elasticity has less to do with age and far more to do with choices? People are… Read more »
adminComments Off on Greed, Wall Street, Diversity and Risk
How many times have you noticed that your own finances have little to do with fast talking wily schemes and rhetoric pumped out by those who control Wall Street’s purse strings? Yet, who would risk change to a financial system that serves so much greed to so-called winners and even… Read more »
Did you know that your amygdala stores every emotional response we choose to make? Or are you aware that the same responses – both good and bad – will get filed in our amygdala and then become our reactions to any similar situations that arise? MYG (short for amygdala), is… Read more »
Listen to angry rhetoric, envy those who get ahead, or engage in name-calling and you are triggering a brain fueled by dangerous stress chemicals. Toxin that can impact entire groups…. Long before you realize the stress problem, your brain may already be wired to fail. Simple choices you make about moods today… Read more »
adminComments Off on Target Agreement in Disagreeable Settings
While some leaders literally wire their brains for gridlock and compromise that can poison communications, it’s also true that disagreements can blast open doors to life-changing ethical insights. When people differ with the brain in mind, they build goodwill among those who differ. How so? If you’ve ever benefited from… Read more »
adminComments Off on Beat Intimidation with Creative Vision
Whenever you cotton onto the notion that people or problems diminish you, that self-critique begins to bury your brain’s tools for excellence. In contrast, your brain holds hidden reflection equipment to build visions that develop confidence and take risks to achieve mind-bending results. Yes, regardless of other’s impressions of your… Read more »
adminComments Off on Five Checkpoints to Brain Based Learning
If you agree that traditional learning ignores the brain’s amazing capabilities to excel, you’ll likely also agree that Mita Brain Based learning approaches could add successful opportunities to the learning process. How so? We at the Mita Brain Based Center see all humans as capable of developing far more brainpower for both personal and group growth…. Read more »
adminComments Off on Lehman News – Another One Hits the Bust
Who could predict that yet another Wall Street rock-like leader, Lehman, would shatter today’s news with losses too big to recover? Sadly, another one hits the bust, and Wall Street is said to standby stymied, staring down defeat in response. What’s your response? Surprising, financial busts offer an ideal setting for leaders to build new… Read more »