adminComments Off on Replace Stress with Emotional Survival Skills
Rarely have we struggled against more anxiety and stress and without adult models, our youth are especially left abandoned in need. It’s the perfect time to respond with social strategies and emotional boosts that toss cheer and hope back into our day! It’s also time to hit pause periodically. Time… Read more »
When it’s brain based it’s evident in our actions that chemical and electrical circuitry work in our favor and benefit those around us. Good ideas may get crushed by bullies, cynics or naysayers, but brain based actions open us to benefits from new insights. What we do literally alters the… Read more »
If motivation adds wings for achievement, and if performance drops to the ground when it’s cut off, what does your motivational airship look like today? Unless you know what motivation looks like, you’ll rarely ride its wonder, or fuse its mental energy into your day. To cross the interplay between… Read more »
adminComments Off on Run from Perfect – Embrace Excellence!
It’s one of the great ironies of our modern era. We’re obsessed with staying well, and being perfect. Have you noticed though, we’re as unwell and imperfect as we’ve ever been. And sadly, we’re also leaving many good people behind along the way. Embrace excellence and our brains rev up… Read more »
adminComments Off on How Our Mindset Shapes Wellness
It’s one of the great ironies of our modern era. We’re obsessed with staying well, yet we’re as unwell as we’ve ever been. A certain stimulus, such as visualizing your favorite hobby, will enhance feelings of enormous well-being. That’s golfing with my grandchildren for me, but it could be anything… Read more »
adminComments Off on Could Mindfulness Heal the Heart of Learning & Leading?
If gridlock feeds ego and shuts out brainpower could mindfulness and trust heal the heart of learning and leading? The more gridlock images we see flash across media, schools, and our lives, the more innovative, healing, and fun-filled images get lost. To learn and lead mindfully though, takes more… Read more »
Agile learners develop smart skills to build flexible and resourceful communities, where problems get solved and people find support. It’s more than hard or soft skills, yet it builds a learning community to integrate and hone both. Add to that the fact that smart skills bring agile results that leaders… Read more »
Conflict grows perilous for those who lack brainpowered tools, yet disagreement’s add linchpins of growth for those equipped with sharp mental tactics. Watch warfare erupt in your circles and you’ll likely see 1 of 10 instigators: 1. Angry folks show few skills to tame their amygdala. 2. Stubborn people often… Read more »