What risks have you taken lately. Or what edgy possibility have you avoided? We meet people daily who feel afraid to fix a broken anything because they fear they’ll end up alone, stuck or without support. In self-satisfied circles we see new ideas dunked as mere buzz at best. Research… Read more »
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If we are bullied or intimidated by cynics, our brains tend to affirm related dread and everyday stressors become threats as a result. Fear and distress can prevent us from becoming the kind or caring person we admire in others. But are you aware of hidden and unused courage to… Read more »
Luckily, the human brain comes with unique equipment to free your mind, solve problems, or create adventures many crave but most people fail to imagine for themselves. Follow one or two new neuron pathways today and watch limiting habits fade as rigid ruts yield to infinite imaginings. It’s really about… Read more »
Conflict grows perilous for those who lack brainpowered tools, yet disagreement’s add linchpins of growth for those equipped with sharp mental tactics. Watch warfare erupt in your circles and you’ll likely see 1 of 10 instigators: 1. Angry folks show few skills to tame their amygdala. 2. Stubborn people often… Read more »
Fear feels like a natural response to facts brandished about without any ability to respond. If you ask a simple – What if … question though, fear moves into freedom that innovative change-agents enjoy! A mental barrier to freedom, fear of failure’s understandable when you think about it. Salacious front-liners … Read more »
Have you ever feared failure when you really needed to win? Just as you hit cutting edges of a brilliant opportunity fear can stalk genius – so we all lose.
Scared or Smart?
Terrified‘s a fitting response to salacious front-liners that favor greed and tout ethical lacks to cripple entire communities.
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Would you agree that financial failures tend to paralyze? Or have you noticed how money worries rob personal freedom? It takes brainpower tools to move beyond panic’s grip, when caught between sinking cash and rising expenditures. Holidays can elevate money anxieties. Media dwells on chilling predictions of financial woes to… Read more »
Over 30 years in brain based renewal, showed me several reasons why renewal cannot win in certain workplace conditions. I’ll admit that naivety in younger years, prompted me to believe deteriorated settings could turn around in spite of barriers. Over time though, I observed some settings that simply cannot perk… Read more »
Ever notice how Thanksgiving and Christmas tend to bring out blues in some and blessings in others? Or how lonely people see vast spaces between themselves and others – even at festive holiday tables? First glances show people blessed with close family and friends feel blessed over holidays while those… Read more »