Most people are aware that healthy brains flex frequently, rewire daily and respond to differences in ways that spawn growth. Lesser known however, is the fact that our flexibility peters out often before mental changes actually jump-start. Unfortunately, we risk sliding into a cerebral gridlock or resistance to change, when… Read more »
Feel hopeless because of a tough situation you’re stuck in today? Frustrated by leaders who value money, power or influence more than supporting you, “the people?” Watching personal possibilities slip away, along with your problem-solving skills? Good news is here if we dip into personal mental resources. Our brains come… Read more »
Stubborn snags that slow us down daily often link to brilliant solutions our brains already possess. It’s merely a matter of connecting the problem to a brainy possibility. Take yesterday. I started my day heading to a Rotary meeting, and ended up at Crystal Glass where I replaced a car… Read more »
I opened my door to hear my neighbors little daughter announce with delight, “Look Auntie Ellen, I match me!” Ruthie pointed to her purple hair ribbons, lilac sweater and mauve socks. Kids sometimes see connections in delightful shades that match, links that adults often miss. Take meetings, for example. During… Read more »
“He’s not interested in communicating with others,” his mother apologized. “Brett’s our introvert,” she said as if introversion defined Brett’s entire character. We’ve all heard it. He’d rather be alone. Or, she rarely accepts party invitations, preferring to read at home alone. All the above relates to our intrapersonal intelligence,… Read more »