Teach our brains to remove the oxygen from mistreatment, and we pound a clear path for surprisingly freer steps forward. Whether we feel spurned by a former friend or slammed online by a tyrannical leader, our brains come fully equipped to recognize our personal worth and to turn our inner… Read more »
Looking for a new hope to hold onto? Wish for more contentment or crave less conflict? Dream of leading a new era innovation that offers wonder in a broken world? Wait for nobody else to affirm personal worth, and activate the internal kindness we all crave, by engaging intrapersonal IQ…. Read more »
Have you ever wondered why some people pay more attention to their own ideas, while others show keener interest in people they engage? Or have you seen new technology that improves how we listen? For example, new magnetic imaging opens windows into listening more with our brains. My longtime close… Read more »
Whenever we speak up and feel heard we tend to open opportunities to learn from and support one another. It takes diverse circles to build a growth mindset across differences though. That’s if you expect tangible benefits to follow. If our circles fail to open safe possibility places for diverse… Read more »
Why are we surprised that little changes after workshops? According to Mackenzie Reports, change takes action and talks lack what it takes. So why do secondary schools, universities and most organizations still meet daily to talk or deliver facts and expect change to follow? Have you seen it? Or do… Read more »
No wonder we thank others for a kind response and we value the kind of friends who toss enormously generous suggestions into the ring, on any topic! But have you ever considered one key skill that converts conflict into care in a conversation? Think about your last online discussion where… Read more »
How many people have told us that a day like mother’s day leaves them sad, lonely, or even hopeless? And for many of those who struggle, the most expensive gift in the world cannot make up for the lack of feeling loved, the gift of kindness absent yet craved or… Read more »
More of us run from leaders lately, who stomp out innovative improvements or bully those who seek change. Innovative thinkers though tend to run more on their leader within. For the latter, it’s merely a matter of applying new neuro discoveries, and learning to manage risks that generate and launch… Read more »
We enter each day with hidden and unused talents, yet how often do we end a day disappointed and frustrated? If too few opportunities exist for our original offerings we tend to emphasize negativity and brainpower gets wasted. We feel boxed in and disconnected from or critical of others and… Read more »
What problem lies in your way at the moment so that you feel unable to transform into an innovative solution? Once you identify that barrier, you set the stage for your brain based solution. Without question, organizational change can seem daunting at first glance. That’s why we start with new… Read more »