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What’s the solution? An online game!
What’s the problem? Mentoring is too one-way, as it currently rolls out. Older mentors dictate practices to upstarts even when upstarts have far more valued skills to teach. It hurts entire organizations as it keeps poor practices alive, and blocks leadership opportunities for enthusiastic young experts in any field.
Ever wonder why some things stick – like the topic of your last blog post – while other facts fade faster, such as names, details or directions for an IT fix?
It Brain on Design
Steve Job’s Typical Synapses
Your brain’s hundred thousand miles of network fibers comes equipped to expand and benefit from learning at its synapses. So why does it rarely happen at the peaks like it did for Steve Jobs?
Programming can become boring and routine for some, and so effective programmers look for ways to override their brain’s default for ruts. How so? In MITA Brain Based approaches — a novice programmer would: 1). Question with two feet to stir curiosity and add fun. Ask questions that hook to… Read more »