Category Archives: Ellen Weber
Activate the Brain’s Compassion for Fun and Inspiration
What will you do for COMPASSION and it’s handmaiden FUN this week? How might you spawn an interactive CARE and KINDNESS today? Will your week look more like the pig or the dog in this video? I started a KINDNESS project with my grandchildren and an interactive brain based COMPASSION… Read more »
Mental Tools in Stress Free Zones
The problem with stress is that it masks as winner – so you miss its killer qualities and fail to spot danger signs before it strikes.
Stress kills!
Your Problem? Your Choice?
What’s your problem?
That question starts a very different day, full of unusual possibilities! How so? Let’s say you ask this question to identify one and your brain springs into gear to look for possible solutions.
When Students Co-lead – We All Prosper!
Students love to navigate their own learning progress – especially when they see or can create adventurous pathways to rewards. I love the break! That’s why my students grade their own participation in every class. How so? At the beginning of class students collect their personal tone chart. On one… Read more »
Why Do Brains Resist or Run to Community Outreach?
Ever wonder how your brain uploads new ideas? How it runs with wonder toward inspired ideas – or rejects renewal like bats reject sunshine? Or have you sensed brilliance that thrives just beyond your reach? The brain holds secret paths toward new ideas such as combining learning+summer fun+giving as in… Read more »
Change the Metaphor to Improve Learning – Speak Up and Feel Heard!
Some ask why we fear teen’s insights? I ask, How can we improve learning by changing the metaphor so all students and their teachers relate positively? When kept silent – too many teens face boredom and frustrations that come from silent toxins. The opposite is also true.Students who speak up… Read more »
Your Brain on Tests! Anxiety or …?
Do you or your students fear tests? Does anxiety over getting it “right” tend to trump the sheer joy of learning? Play, create and learn in ways that ease test anxiety. Watch games replace stress with test skills you can use beyond any class. Brain based cultures test without anxiety… Read more »
Discovery Builds a Brain Based Culture
Games are the most elevated forms of investigation, according to Einstein. So too are active projects, most young adults agree! Discover how brain chemicals, life experiences and genetics play key roles in learning choices and outcomes! See how your brain transforms barriers into benefits and wiggles problems into possibilities. Build… Read more »
Find the CLEVER in Teens – The Fault in Our Stars
Teens have finally found a book THEY love! In fact they’re devouring The Fault in our Stars in droves! The clever part is that teachers love it too! No book on the market today is teaching teens what they want to know about empathy,friends, trust, belief, and humor – in… Read more »