Monthly Archives: August 2012

Reboot with Mita-One-Minute-Mind-Move

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In the midst of downsizing, recession, and the hectic rush to keep current at work, we often wonder, “Where is our call?” “Where can we find mental calm that brings meaning to what we do? How can we become who we want others to see in us?” “What would guide us through deeper questions and the desire for more meaning, that makes sense of the inner labyrinth of our thoughts, feeling and emotions?”


These questions point to our deep desire to live mindfully, and open possibilities for clarity and purpose at work.

50 Questions to Lead Bloggers

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Leadership is changing fast and if ASTD is right in 2012 Leadership Handbook – a new kind of leader is already on the horizon! Could any of the new era leaders listed below help to usher in that finer future we all crave?