Researchers suggest that social media can harm kids’ brains, and few would disagree. Either way, social networks such as Twitter are here to stay. My question is, what impact do online networks play in strengthening minds and leading innovation across differences? Increasingly, brain gurus such as Susan Greenfield weigh in… Read more »
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What’s the solution? An online game!
What’s the problem? Mentoring is too one-way, as it currently rolls out. Older mentors dictate practices to upstarts even when upstarts have far more valued skills to teach. It hurts entire organizations as it keeps poor practices alive, and blocks leadership opportunities for enthusiastic young experts in any field.
Higher Education and Brain Based Benefits Ask the lecturer in this video and he will say he engages listeners. He might even go on to suggest today’s audiences expect too much and give too little. Ask listeners and they may support these 100 reasons to run hard from lectures!… Read more »
Tone takes you deeper into any topic because it allows the other sides to emerge without persecuting people who express differences. Tone’s also the honesty you speak about hot spots, and the calm respect you show to those who disagree. But can good tone come in tough times? Or can… Read more »
Would you agree with Oxford Scholar, Robin Dunbar, that brainpower limits the size of your social network? Master connectors do better than most. Team building expert, and friend, Mike Cardus sent me an interesting article today to show how many friends most people engage online. Dunbar’s research concluded that the… Read more »
If online success is your goal, you’ll want to toss talents into the ring in ways that win more for the entire virtual circle. People often start online groups only to find that a few people with weaker tone skills, set up polarities rather than engage opposing views with respect…. Read more »