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If gridlock feeds ego and shuts out brainpower could mindfulness and trust heal the heart of learning and leading? The more gridlock images we see flash across media, schools, and our lives, the more innovative, healing, and fun-filled images get lost. To learn and lead mindfully though, takes more… Read more »
adminComments Off on #9 of 25 Writer Brain Boosters
9. Stretch Your IQ – Rather than expect the same routine, consider new alternatives and write to learn about unusual or unfamiliar topics. Consider what essentials readers should take away from your words. Then invite another writer to review and help edit your conclusion to ensure those takeaways are evident…. Read more »
People differ on what innovation looks like, and few agree on how it transforms work. Hutch Carpenter asked 25 people to tell what innovation is from their perspective – and got back 25 different responses. Most people do agree that innovation sparks higher productivity for a competitive edge. Any marks… Read more »
Have you seen good ideas crushed by bullies, cynics or naysayers where you work? Before Michael Merzenich became the world’s leading researcher on brain plasticity, cynics with hard science credentials, insisted brainpower and intelligence was fixed. Simply put, people insisted that elderly brains don’t change much, for instance, and that… Read more »
Higher Education and Brain Based Benefits Ask the lecturer in this video and he will say he engages listeners. He might even go on to suggest today’s audiences expect too much and give too little. Ask listeners and they may support these 100 reasons to run hard from lectures!… Read more »
When you rev up mental equipment daily to either sink or swim, you discover how creativity and curiosity will trump criticism and intimidation. How then can you experience mental power in settings where no brain is left behind? One friend and fellow leader Dave Caiazza, put it this way: Work… Read more »
Broken systems all around us, offer unprecedented opportunities to learn and lead transformational innovations for a new era. Science shows how even a small band of like minded birds can create a revolution and sway the direction of an entire flock. Why then do some people cling to tiny places… Read more »
Have you experienced mental power that bubbles over in circles where no brain is left behind? Interactive sessions where creativity trumps criticism, and diversity’s the handmaiden of dignity and innovative virtue? The jury is still out on why some people are smarter. Most agree though, that brilliant solutions tend to… Read more »
Take advantage of recent neuro-discoveries and that illusive growth you’re looking for tends to follow far faster. Have you seen it happen? Think of plasticity as the brains ability to change itself, based on what we do. Think of chemicals such as dopamine as the risk-taking adrenalin that moves us… Read more »
It’s no surprise that intelligences grow with use. Yet few people use their potential in any area. Take ethical development in the brain, for instance. Or imagine fitness or movement as a way to raise intelligence. Ever set out to pass your personal best in a day to see how… Read more »