Wasting time studying for tests?

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Students often complain that passive note-taking is both boring and a waste of time?  Have you heard it?

Whenever I offer motivational materials to support their study sessions though, I notice students tend to get far finer results for their efforts and talents. They do better in quizzes, tests and projects. Brain based suggestions below, for instance,  work especially well to remind students where to begin.


Motivational study materials help students to build their own supports – and often encourages them to learn in ways they enjoy most. For example, some students love to create cheat sheets with graphic organizers here. Others create their own unique mind-maps. They then teach peers key facts or details they mind-mapped as a way to remember significant concepts.  It works wonders because they retain far more as they teach others what they are learning.



When students create their own study review materials – they learn in awesome ways that work best for their brains. But it’s critical to work with them at first, so they experience the value of using motivational and effective study guides that interest them and bring results.

5-way Mita test

Entire sets of  student-ready test prep materials are available on my TpT site here.




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Created by Ellen Weber, Brain Based Tasks for Growth Mindset

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