adminComments Off on Words Walk Us into Kind or Crazy Worlds
A young basketball player complained that teammates did not pass him the ball. He was correct, but only he could make the inner change needed to attract the ball his way. Sound like your life? Do you face failures that leave you powerless? Does a situation look hopeless, as it… Read more »
adminComments Off on Risk, Regret or Run with an MLK Dream!
Ready to risk a dream that propelled Martin Luther King and others forward? What dream do you hold that’s worth chasing? If jumping off cliffs conjures up more calamity images than curiosity challenges, then risk-taking’s likely not right for you. If you agree that perfect safety’s an illusion though, or… Read more »
adminComments Off on Can Fearless Girl Handle Fear Bulls Bring?
Could Fearless Girl help remove fear from leaders who run with brute force of Charging Bulls? State Street Global Advisors suggest she can! You? Or do we still have a bigger problem grasping how male and female leaders differ yet come together in ways that can benefit all? Would we… Read more »