adminComments Off on Q & A on Power of Kindness vs Hate in Brains
Have you wondered about the brain’s power of kindness over hate? Or did you know that kindness alters our brain’s chemistry? Q & A on the Merits of Kindness VS Hate in Human Brains … Q 1. How does kindness change the brain’s chemistry? A 1. Kindness primes our plasticity… Read more »
adminComments Off on Why are we losing cherished faith and service communities? What can we do?
As young people increasingly gravitate toward new opportunities, unfortunately they are leaving behind faith communities like churches, and service communities like Rotary. There’s growing evidence that backbone spiritual and service benefits within these cherished circles of care will eventually die out. On the flip side, young people are attracted to… Read more »
adminComments Off on 10 Things Possibility Thinkers Do Differently
Will you see problems pushing against the door jams on your first day back to school? Or do you see possibilities written across backdrop screens of every learner’s mind? You’d have to have the brain of a coconut husk to run from or deliberately block life-changing wonders in your day,… Read more »
Luckily, the human brain comes with unique equipment to free your mind, solve problems, or create adventures many crave but most people fail to imagine for themselves. Follow one or two new neuron pathways today and watch limiting habits fade as rigid ruts yield to infinite imaginings. It’s really about… Read more »
adminComments Off on How Can We Find Calm in the Midst of Conflicts?
Disagree with a Healthy Dose of Goodwill for Those who Differ It happened just as I was about to introduce our discussion topic. So moved by what I observed in the crowd, I tossed my notes and invited the group to share why they huddled around a peer. Why were… Read more »
To kindle new ideas takes circles of trust. Teams that consciously cultivate trust, open spaces for new ideas. The iPod’s inception, for instance, started with an innovative idea that Steve Jobs’ team kindled into revolutionized communication. Similarly, Fast Company’s awesome design moments unveiled original ideas that emerged from committed teams. Passionate communities, such as Apple and Fast Company, differ mentally from typical workplaces, just as brains of genius inventors vary from minds of complacent masses. How so? The brain’s hippocampus releases a shot of dopamine the brain chemical for kindling novelty.
At Deb Scott’s Radio Show, “The Best People we Know Show,” we were discussing how most people know what change looks like, yet far fewer seem sure how to launch great changes. Without warning, alterations can dump you from a job you love on one day, or land you in a once- in –a- lifetime opportunity the next.
adminComments Off on Brainpowered Breakthroughs or Design Thinking?
Design thinking’s defined in many ways, usually related to a process of problem solving that brings talents together, engages diverse thinkers, and creates innovative prototypes. It doesn’t work for most innovators. Why so?
Do you possess that sense wonder that rolls out unique talents? When organizational growth depends on making more products, in less time, with fewer people for increased dollars, what do you grow? If you crave innovation’s wealth more than mass production, it’s worth another glance at top talent development. See… Read more »
50 strategies below add brainpower to derail workplace toxins and launch innovations leaders crave for a new era. Understand your proclivity for novelty, and begin to step toward more innovative outcomes for success in a new era. YOUR TURN! Join our Brain Based Circles! Would love to meet you at… Read more »