adminComments Off on Weighed Down by Guilt or Regret?
To heal from trauma such as guilt or regret we seek safer, secure spaces to bounce back, rather than expect to change others who abuse or accuse. We learn where to find courage and confidence to separate ourselves from the source of suffering and how to silence an inner critic… Read more »
adminComments Off on Risk, Regret or Run with an MLK Dream!
Ready to risk a dream that propelled Martin Luther King and others forward? What dream do you hold that’s worth chasing? If jumping off cliffs conjures up more calamity images than curiosity challenges, then risk-taking’s likely not right for you. If you agree that perfect safety’s an illusion though, or… Read more »
Asked what they most regretted, retirees named lack of preparation for retirement. You? People who regretĀ missed chances from past, also tended to focus less on present prospects. No wonder lamenters continue to miss out daily. New studies show that older folks should let go of regret faster, with some… Read more »