adminComments Off on (7) When Seniors Lack Adventure …
Risk taking need not require seniors to waltz into a bear cave in spring with a steak strapped to our foot. But why do so many seniors lament not taking more risks to enjoy fresh and fun adventures? And that begs the question, what do adventurous seniors have that bored… Read more »
adminComments Off on Grace Mindset Golf for Sheer Delight!
Thoreau may have best described golf when he said: An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory. Toss grace into the act of golf and expect, “inner strength with every shot to improve our game, while ensuring fun for all! We discover growth within a few neural golf… Read more »
We now know that IQ scores increase over a lifetime, that brains hold power tools for ethical excellence, and that dendrite brain cells rewire daily based on what you do. My question is, Do your multiple intelligences expand too, or are they lifeless through lack of use? Whenever you tap… Read more »