adminComments Off on (3) Depressed, Anxious or Stress-Free?
Sadly, we seniors can default into dangerous depression faster than the Roadrunner flew over the edge of a cliff when chased by a coyote around a sharp turn. Whenever we ruminate without any effort to resolve problems that bother us for example, we risk triggering a toxic chemical, called cortisol…. Read more »
adminComments Off on (7) When Seniors Lack Adventure …
Risk taking need not require seniors to waltz into a bear cave in spring with a steak strapped to our foot. But why do so many seniors lament not taking more risks to enjoy fresh and fun adventures? And that begs the question, what do adventurous seniors have that bored… Read more »
adminComments Off on (9) Can Working Memory Work for Seniors?
Have you slammed onto ruts or slipped into any boring routines lately? Have you insisted on one way only to see memory loss as we age? If so do get ready for a fun new adventure that involves our magnificent working memory at any age! If memory feels more like… Read more »
adminComments Off on (16) Growth Mindset Hacks to Reboot Bonds Between Adult Children and Senior Parents
Problems between seniors and their adult children weigh heavily on some seniors who struggle to work through conflicting expectations and still retain close relationships. Times have changed, and yet a growth mindset helps us to understand both worlds and to do what it takes to bridge gaps with healthy bonds… Read more »
Do we lie about our age, or do others find inspiration from our maturity and mindfulness that come with a few wrinkles? Perhaps more importantly – can we laugh and glance lightheartedly at age and reality because it rocks for us? If so we’re likely the voracious seniors that Plato… Read more »
adminComments Off on What is Happiness and Where is it Found?
Happiness is a majestic force that lifts us beyond what we feel life should look like at any moment. It sets a magnificent mental and emotional stage to celebrate life fully as it exists in every current moment. Aristotle said, Happiness depends on ourselves.” What say you? With depression and… Read more »
adminComments Off on Do Assisted Living Facilities Rob Senior Autonomy?
Over lunch with Arthur a longtime friend, I was saddened to hear how his adult children are plotting to sell his acreage and use the money to move him into a senior facility “to make his life easier.” No coincidence we shared lunch at his favorite spot on a rustic… Read more »
adminComments Off on Thankfulness beyond Differences for Thanksgiving Fun!
What does it take to leave others feeling more appreciated, and ourselves feeling more like victors than victims? To appreciate ourselves and others more, is to find comfort and joy in the little things all around us! When we start fun discussions at Thanksgiving Day celebrations, we often generate mind-bending… Read more »
adminComments Off on Why are we losing cherished faith and service communities? What can we do?
As young people increasingly gravitate toward new opportunities, unfortunately they are leaving behind faith communities like churches, and service communities like Rotary. There’s growing evidence that backbone spiritual and service benefits within these cherished circles of care will eventually die out. On the flip side, young people are attracted to… Read more »