A kinder and more caring inner voice shows us an essential flow of serotonin from our innermost lives into brain-friendly solutions that could transform our world. Growth mindset awareness and a few new choices daily can change us from inner critic to inner creator. From fixated on problems to proposing possibilities. We also enjoy a new filter to view and encourage ourselves and others from a kinder and more caring conduit.
Why then do we often assume that shaming and blaming voices filled with cortisol toxins are always better and more truthful? Why do we relegate grace-filled voices to those we imagine hold impossible standards for ourselves and others? If a mindset of care, kindness and inner compassion warms wisdom within us, then grace and goodness will also begin to pass through us toward others in ways that improve and enrich our world. We, and those we support grow from victims to victors.
Healthy inner, sustainable care is our deepest calling of growth mindset life, and it holds us well within truth as a lofty standard by which we measure all else around us. A kinder inner filter is how we recognize, value and enjoy the good all around us too! Any problem solving process that fails to find and ask basic care questions may well miss the secret discernment of how to add wisdom’s goodness to a broken world.
Our growth mindset will consist in doing what is truthful and benefits all concerned, but first we have to remove any attachment to ruts that keep us clinging to a fixed or closed mindset. Only when we can recognize the difference can we choose finer directions forward. We choose serotonin for growth and default to cortisol for stagnation and ruts.
Like great visionaries who thrive in an open minded journey, we may all be called to listen, to learn from diverse pools of wisdom, yet far fewer of us then act with inner care and kindness in ways that bring a more fruitful future into our personal world. Visionaries tend to warn us that the growth minded journey may be interrupted with terrible troubles that require our resilience to surpass life’s stalls at times. We choose plasticity for growth and default to an untamed amygdala for toxic moods.
It’s how we handle that trouble with an open and growth mindset that will secure our wellness or care and kindness that changes minds, for future generations. Seniors who listen with our brains and emotions tend to build new and healthier bridges that equip us all to live more goodness, grace and kindness toward one another.
We already possess all we need to get started. Truly we just open to worth and deep value that is already within us. It’s our growth mindset that expands our notion of all that is possible. We are also inspired by those seniors who create radical kindness for themselves and others along the way.
If we are not thriving on the other hand, then those around us are likely not thriving. If we lack peace, then others close to us likely lack our offerings of peace. If we fail to connect to people around us then they too are likely not belonging, We take risks in working memory or default to basal ganglia for ruts.
A genuine growth mindset equips us to truly see one another, and communicate with others to literally change and cultivate joy, delight and contentment deep within like a pilot light that never goes out. The challenges to grow and enjoy new possibilities cannot be sustained in isolation yet can endure and shine care within when we move forward together across our differences.
Daily we face the choice to enjoy an open, curious and growth mindset or daily we default into settling for a closed, toxic and fixed mindset.
Daily our awareness of where we stand mentally and with that alertness we choose emotional responses to our lives. Those choices show us and others the good results we can expect. Our choices also illustrate the poor choices we suffer.
Wherever we stand, and without regret, if we choose growth for the day’s mindset, we walk forward as the valued human we each can claim as our both our lifetime legacy and our foundation to build wisdom, wit and wonder.
To settle for a fixed mindset, or to default to our fixed mindset from frustrations or stress we allow our mindset to clarify or cloud our view.