What key treasure goes missing between adult children and aging parents? As parents age, relationships with their adult children inevitably change. While many parents invest deeply in their children’s lives, most also expect respect, gratitude, and emotional fulfillment in return. Sadly many are also deeply pained when this expectation inevitably… Read more »
It took me ten tough years to forgive my dad. Not because he ever asked for forgiveness, or seemed sorry, but because the pain of unforgiveness was blocking my own ability to love unconditionally and feel loved, despite my own weaknesses. The fact that I was out on the street… Read more »
Many are aware that external forces rarely destroy iron, and yet fewer of us consider how iron’s own rust erodes it daily. In the same way, daily challenges do not destroy us. Our closed mindset, on the other hand, can defeat us, and destroy our chance for growth. The question… Read more »