Thank Somebody to Amp Up Mental Wellness!

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Opposite  thankfulness lurks disappointment and both rely on a choice to either shape a dream or tank a day.

Thankfulness and a Growth Mindset!

Have you noticed how even simple expressions of gratitude can offer you mental tools that no other approach to life can quite equal? Or are you aware that thankfulness changes the chemical and electrical circuitry of your brain?

People who develop thankful skills build cool new neuron pathways for contentment and delight. Yes, in spite of challenges faced in any given day. Simply stated the thankful brain operates differently from the dissatisfied brain. For starters gratitude comes with a huge dose of  serotonin – your brain’s well being chemical.

Initially,  there may be a few cleanup tasks or pre-conditions to take care of though. You’ll likely agree that those who  learn to monitor their inner voice, likely can include thanks as a regular habit.  A practice that literally transforms challenges into finer steps that color and re-shape your day.

Check out the power of human-brains-on-thanks – to see how new opportunities follow.

GK Chesterton named thanks as the highest form of thought, and gratitude as happiness doubled by wonder. Do you agree?

From the brain’s perspective, simply by acting grateful you literally reorganize your brain for new opportunities. How so?

Fueled by serotonin – you’ll move from that cranky response to a peer of sibling into reactions that yield mutual dividends.  Thankfulness turns you away from dissatisfied altercations into amazing benefits. Benefits will soon follow and you’ll find yourself engaged more by appreciative peers.

Where to start?

Start small by simply acknowledging something small to cheer for in your day.

Thank a person who shows kindness, for instance rather than pick apart another person’s misstep. With an attitude of thanks, you’ll change filters to insert a more grateful view of what goes down. Unlike dissatisfaction that focuses on problems, and misses possibilities, thankfulness sees plenty to cheer on! Yes, even in a rather bleak  day.

What strategies would you use to benefit your brain from a heaping dose of thanks? Here are task cards, and brain based strategies that work especially well with my students.

How do you foster gratitude as a mental wellness  tool for yourself and those around you?

3 thoughts on “Thank Somebody to Amp Up Mental Wellness!

  1. eweber Post author

    Thanks Christopher, a book you may wish to read to show amazing ways you can strengthen brain parts – written by Dr. Norman Doidge – “The Brain that Changes Itself.” I’ve also written many posts on specific strategies to grow new capabilities in each domain. Why not start by simply acting on specific skills you’d like others to see – since the brain re-shapes daily by our actions. We are literally shaped by our interactions in the world around us. It’s remarkable how fluid the brain and intelligences are, when we once thought IQ was fixed:-) Best, Ellen

  2. Christopher Oberg

    I really want to be able to tap into using my parital lobe regions of my brain i feel they are impaired and were damaged during my premature birth 2 and half months premature this caused oxygen deprivation .

    Please share any information as a solution to this challenge thank u!

  3. Christopher Oberg

    Thanking someone and showing graditude is non selfish act on subconscious level that creates a reaction of consciousness which is receptive by any living thing be it plant animal or human or even on monoecular level. SYMBIOSIS

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