Reclaim High School Brainpower

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We see too many high school faculty fall prey to fatalities that shrink progress and rob brainpower. While progressive education is hard to beat, it’s also hard to find. It’s time to help steer educational organizations through bureaucratic barriers and beyond tough economies in order to reclaim brainpower for learning and growth. Key is to shift approaches, not merely add to school day,  or do more of the same and expect improvement, as Miami low-performing schools discovered.  It’s time to rebuild trust and power-up innovations that enhance success for teens in a changing world.

Patrick Bassett, president of the National Association of Independent Schools calls for more right-brain tasks that teach teens to take risks, create and problem solve like entrepreneurs, for instance.

Let’s change faculty and student compensation systems, as a way to measure and reward innovation with the brain more in mind. Could it happen in your community?

What do you think?

Pillars of pedagogy – or props for privation?

YOUR TURN! Join our Brain Based Circles! Would love to meet you at any of the following!

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Created by Ellen Weber, Brain Based Tasks for Growth Mindset

Articles below impact brainpower tools to redesign secondary and university:

1. No Brain Left Behind

2. Death of Education – Dawn of Learning

3. Brain Parts Promote or Stomp out Change

4. Secondary and University with Brains in Mind


17. Retention Lost in Lectures

18. Engage Voices on the Other Side

19. Marks of Brainpowered Workplaces

20. Reinvigorate Brains for Learning Dividends

21. Move to Replace Broken Systems

22. Call for Simplicity that Adds Intelligence

23. Brainpower to Disagree and Prosper Peace

24. New Run ay Old Runways – Space for Renewal

25. Why Brain Based Approaches?

26. Tenure, Brainpower, and Pillars of …?

27. Math and Science can Leak Brainpower

Reclaim Brainpower and help us alter direction of secondary schools – Join Aug 17 – 21st  MITA Brain Institute here.

2 thoughts on “Reclaim High School Brainpower

  1. Pingback: Use Both Sides of Your Brain – Brain Leaders and Learners

  2. Pingback: Renewal Races Teens to the Top – Brain Leaders and Learners

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