Wild Animal Brains Stoke Peace. Yours?

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When I became a US citizen, the presiding federal judge facilitated humor, goodwill and patriotism to build a peaceful climate across global differences. The result? Newly minted citizens from war torn and healthy countries came together to celebrate common ground.

Because of newly discovered plasticity, we know that human brains can rewire to create a climate for peace. Yes, human brainpower can transform self-seeking enemies into respected colleagues. Do you?

Even polar bears master brain based tactics for peaceful encounters.  Check out wild bears and dogs that dramatize a less popular place of peace and co-existence, even in harsh frigid climates.

Yet the cynic in many of us settles daily for war. conflict, and unrest that creates toxic workplaces and leaves human diversity in ruins.  Have you ever wondered why some cultivate conflict, while others promote peaceful encounters?  It takes one step at a time to rebuild peace where warriors shout for battle.

What’s your reaction to those who differ, and whose purpose in life seems to stand suspiciously at odds with your own innate values? Peace or conflict?

Novelty can strengthen and rejuvenate brainpower – at least for those open to roads less taken. Have you seen it happen?  Their differences prompted Mo the Crow and Cassie the Cat to invite novelty onto center stage in ways that trumped mutual understandings. How could a fresh approach to differences, build peaceful encounters in your brain and in your world?

Care for others, for instance,  supersedes a brain’s penchant to respect only people who look or act most like us. Check out this video of a mother tiger who cares for piglets while overlooking differences in favor of accepting co-existence. One incident only of animal brains that teach togetherness?

Then, see this odd trio, who also practice peace daily in ways that could alter neuron pathways for dogs, cats and rats everywhere. Ok, they need a little help from peaceful leaders – yet so do we. Thanks to neurogenesis though, the human brain comes equipped to rewire daily for each peaceful act and with each peaceful gesture made. How can it happen at your workplace?

Einstein found that curiosity offered common ground across difference. It takes changed assumptions on both sides as seen in this video of a dog and duck who relate in spite of their pre-wired propensity for communication.

Just as positive tone for some, promotes peace in ordinary interactions, so too good-natured laughter can tame even a pit bull.  Watch this video to see a baby and dog teach us how it happens. Surprisingly, the brain’s equipped to strengthen peaceful practices daily, yet we opt for conflict through practiced violence. Pit bulls show best how brains work for or against animosity.

Music too alters brain waves and can calm an amygdala and promote peace over conflict. Check out this dog’s love lyrics sung on video.

Given the right climate, even a snake can exchange venom for learned acceptance of hamsters. All through learned acts that value differences. How do you transform tension into tactics that respect in ways that prompt peace from differences?

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Created by Ellen Weber, Brain Based Tasks for Growth Mindset

5 thoughts on “Wild Animal Brains Stoke Peace. Yours?

  1. Cole

    A very sound blog here… aaah what I meant there was you keep a good balance.. :).. I for one had a small dog.. Not of a particular breed just a street dog who I used to feed occasionally…Turned out she would go nuts on anybody who tried to approach me.. Geesh!

  2. Ellen Weber

    Ramana, while I’d not thought about this is is a bit scary to generalize on much of anything for the very reasons you laid out so well here. It’s sad to see conflicts slip into friendships because people fail to step back and because we let fear rule. Yikes — we all have so much to learn! Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. rummuser

    Human beings are peculiar creations. They are the only ones in creation that can detach themselves from their selves and observe their own reactions and responses. They have the choice to behave in ways appropriate to the situation instead of as pre programmed. By and large, amiability or conflict is controllable at individual levels, but the moment groups come in to play, the alienation from the “other” is reinforced and all kinds of negative actions are resorted to. Today’s world is a classic case of this phenomenon with individual level contacts at very good levels but collectively very different. Take the fastest growing phobia today, Islamophobia. At individual levels, Muslims and non Muslims can establish great relationships. The minute one generalizes the relationship, fun and games begin. We are just wired differently!

    rummusers last blog post..Colour Bias.

  4. eweber Post author

    Makes you stop and think how these surprises can work more as bridges toward adventure and lessons for more widespread satisfaction in our communities:-) Thoughts?

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